Recent content by closmo

  1. closmo

    section 2 question

    Actually that's half a metaphor. And I think if you had of made it more your own it would have worked better in your favour, BUT if you used the EXACT lines from the previous texts then I don't think it will have gone to well for you. And there's nothing wrong with using a prepared...
  2. closmo

    Practice Essay Questions for Belonging

    How I wish I possessed your sharp wit.
  3. closmo

    Hamlet - MAD?

    I think he's generally sane. He says to Horatio I believe "I am but mad north-north-west. When the wind is southerly, I know a hawk from a handsaw” So that sort of hints that he is playing tricks on his family. :)
  4. closmo

    English hints:

    An article is fairly easy, because there are different article styles. But I'm not quite sure how you could turn belonging (without a prescribed context) into one. I assume you just have to put your plot into an article. But hey I dont care about belonging, I'm more worried about the freaking...
  5. closmo

    The Crucible and Belonging basic notes

    Sorry for the late reply. Related texts to the crucible, for belonging? I'm doing Tom Hanks' movie "The Terminal" and I'm in the midst of finding a book called "Caliban's Hour" i reccomend finding an uncommon text that not many people will use. I'll list some more texts too. The cartoon...
  6. closmo

    The Great Gatsby Basic Notes

    The Great Gatsby Thwarted love between man and woman Takes place during 1922 summer 1920s portrayed as an era of social and morale decay (through cynicism, greed, and empty pursuit of pleasure) WWI ended 1918 younger people became disillusioned Alcohol was banned, created a thriving business...
  7. closmo

    The Crucible and Belonging basic notes

    No worries :) Glad it helped.
  8. closmo

    The Crucible and Belonging basic notes

    The Crucible and Belonging BELONGING Human Behaviour segregation intergration authority alienation assimilation individuality community identity exclusion acceptance conformity hypocracy McCarthyism: a politically motivated practice of making accusations of disloyalty, subversion, or...
  9. closmo

    The Crucible and belonging

    The Crucible can be about belonging. It's all about communal belonging and how fear unifies and defines it. The community has been being divided by Parris with his "fire and Brimstone" attitude towards religion, but even before that Giles already hints at the trouble brewing "'s a deep...
  10. closmo

    Great Gatsby, Crucible, Speeches, Caesar???

    My school is doing Gatsby and Crucible
  11. closmo

    Does God exist?

    I haven't read the whole argument, could not be bothered, so I don't know if this point has been made or not BUT: There is more evidence that Jesus did the things he did than there is that Julius Ceasar existed, and yet most people say "Yes, Julius Ceasar was real, he did this and this and that"...
  12. closmo

    What is the best trilogy of books or series?

    The Obernewton Chronicles (well right up until the last one) The Farseer trilogy The Tomorrow Series Harry Potter The Alex Cross Series (James Patterson, wonderful books) Keys to the Kingdom The Saga of Darren Shan A series of unfortuanate events Spiderwick chronicles I think that's enough to...
  13. closmo

    The Obernewtyn Chronicles

    I think I have the four, and the fourth was terrible! I loved all of them up until that point, where all she is doing is pining away and blah blah blah. Oh and Dragon is the muddy girl they found in some underground hidden city or something, and she has some really powerful 'strength' and she...
  14. closmo

    The Lovely Bones?

    I err... googled, your book titles... they've never been heard of... are they out now?
  15. closmo

    Have you got tired of the word "book"?

    hahaha.. I agree though. :)