Recent content by cobies

  1. cobies

    reflections: what should i focus on?

    thanks, this is super helpful
  2. cobies

    reflections: what should i focus on?

    any tips and tricks? useful structures? thanks
  3. cobies

    omg i had that problem yesterday and i was trying to respond to u but i ended up giving up 💀

    omg i had that problem yesterday and i was trying to respond to u but i ended up giving up 💀
  4. cobies


  5. cobies

    Hey, should I be writing notes..... (Prelims)

    yes u should, writing the notes down also serves as a technique to help u memorise all the stuff. yeah the notes on bos r really good but they're not personalised and your notes should always be wrote down the way that YOU can remember it
  6. cobies

    Year 10 Work Experience with Big4 firms

    Is it as competitive to get into as people say? Also, if you do get in is there a higher chance that you accepted to work with them in the future? Thanks