as volume decreases, pressure, the equalibrium shifts to the right to eliminate molecues (i.e. N2 and H3) and more ammonia is produced..
so, in de graph the presence of H2 and N2 DECREASES (i.e. \----\)
with ammonia it INCREASES (i.e. /----/)
i had a similar situation 2 wit de trial.....thats y i got a tutor 2 months b4....well u dw..
it wasnt dat last question of ammonia was pretty de vol decreases ammonia increases and the reactants decrease?..sumfink fink like dat ne way
ummm they said deep sea wrecks....that means the concentation of oxygen....but it said rate of corrosion...then agian it could be bacteria.... prob either answer is fine
chem should be a walk in the park.....easy 15 marks in multiple choice and 25 marks in de option....probly the middle section is gonna be the covers a broad area of each thing in de syllabus...jus make sure u memorise de syllabus and ur'll play god :D:D
xactly...if u stuff it up do it agian..its not big deal...look at ur mistakes...wat u did u did it...wat u didnt study...its only 1 year....better then goin thru life when ur older finking u should of done it......and u gotta fink, if u wanna get ur targert uai u gotta take into...
At the end of the day, it all comes down to image and respect...i mean, if u got to uni its a good impression to everyone around you.....they fink ur unique cos u pay 20k for the sake of going there....most ppl who even finish their degrees have difficulty finding a job...i know one guy who did...
if u go to tafe, most of de courses der are similar to the uni anyway.....if u do that for a year, u can change over 2 uni and nail everyone else in de tests n assessments!...and u can do MORE...if u ace tafe u can do combined degrees, but with UAI u gotta work ur ass off 2 get it...and besides...
i dont get come some 3U students found de paper hard? ur in 3U u should ace the damn thing....i do 2U n i got up to half of ques 9...wats goin on? :P.....
did anyone fill the boxes out with A on top and B on the bottom?.....and the waxy cuticles were used to conserve water....and salt crystals show that water has high salinity and has been in contact with the plant??
In mine i talked about 5 test-tubes set up...followed by a set ratio of carbonated water:distalled...put 2 drops of indicater...measured it n dats it...
reliability: each tube was calculated to a set amount of water....n dats it
for action potential, i said a sufficient amount of stimuli must activate the voltage....small amount doesnt do anything large amount activates it? i could be wrong