Recent content by cosmo 2

  1. cosmo 2

    Should Joe Biden drop out of the race?

    so if it wont happen why are you suggesting it as a possibility
  2. cosmo 2

    Should Joe Biden drop out of the race?
  3. cosmo 2

    Should Joe Biden drop out of the race?

    yeah its like the people who rocked up at the BLM rallies, the palestine rallies, or the occupy melbourne rallies, all of them are completely derivative of american protest movements they just copy and paste american social trends and try to force them in an australian context where it works...
  4. cosmo 2

    Should Joe Biden drop out of the race?

    why do you guys care eitherway we've had four years fo both and it made no difference to anything who was in office you'd think all the deranged f@gs clutching their pearls about the second coming of trump and all the 'bad' stuff hes allegedly gonna do would look at his last four years in...
  5. cosmo 2

    USYD stabbing

    you know what day it is??? it's STAB day!!!!
  6. cosmo 2

    happy pride motnh

    gay men can be attractive lesbians are always ugly so that might be why theyre always in such a foul mood
  7. cosmo 2

    happy pride motnh

    man that video is from like 2010-2011 i wonder what kind of reaction he would have received doing that now
  8. cosmo 2

    happy mens mental health monthe

    a good friend who isnt a total tard is going to say pretty much the exact same shit as a therapist, probably even better bc they wont just sugar coat or draw it out over months for $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ therapists arent these incredible ppl with amazing insights like you think most of them are...
  9. cosmo 2

    happy mens mental health monthe

    that's literally what therapy 60% is in a super circuitous and drawn out way in reality its mostly a place for super neurotic and needy people to dump their boring feelings w/o having to alienate all their friends who would stop talking to them if they were the target of the whinging doesn't...
  10. cosmo 2

    happy mens mental health monthe

    "hey u having sad or negative thoughts have you tried not doing that or thinking about something else" there saved you like $2000
  11. cosmo 2

    happy mens mental health monthe

    therapy has never worked for anyone ever
  12. cosmo 2

    happy mens mental health monthe

    cos female suicide attempts are for attention seeking youd think all the therapy women go to would stop them from doing dumb shit like that but evidently not not exactly a good endorsement of therapy smh
  13. cosmo 2

    'My son's care costs $2m, and it's still not enough' what do you think fellas? another 2m a year might be enough to help him live a fulfilling and happy life and fix all of his issues. we need to fund this right now!!!