When someone puts it as pink lady rather than red del for example? If cant be bothered going to a scale refund it at the difference in price. Produce don't rely on autostockr all that much.
What are you talking about? You can enter a manual weight for refunds. Select the refund type, enter the weight in kg then press "weight" and then select the item in lookup and confirm the price per kg.
paymas uses hours worked. the information that would download to it is how many hours worked in each paybucket (regular, 50%, etc). if pp doesn't put it in the right paybucket to begin with it won't happen in paymas.
They might not have set up a second pay rate in PP or for some reason it didn't download to paymas and when checking their time card didn't pick up on it.
I'm not saying because of the PH I should get another one but because of my roster being changed. We're entitled to the day off with pay for a PH, so that was Monday, 8 hrs. But then I'm working 40 hours still this week so I should get another day off as well as the toil for working on Tues...
But excluding the clause that says if you had to work Xmas day (not applicable in our store) you still get penalty rates regardless, all other clauses don't apply since 25th is not a PH due to the substitution?
What about my case.. Salaried. Didn't work Monday as we didn't trade but working...
Someone clear something up for me in the EBA - so we've just had an substituted holiday (Christmas Day subbed to 27th Dec)... all the clauses regarding public holidays in the EBA then refer only to the substituted holiday, correct?
It was more likely there to begin with then cut when the costing came out and your csm thought they had spent too much.
It says not av because you're supposed to use the availabilities section to key in the current contract or if casual the availabilities they say they can work. There isn't...