Recent content by creat0r

  1. C

    Its time......The curry tutoring service...has arrived

    WELL DIZON, Its alot easier to promote a business if you prove that your not apart of it. plus im prolly not gonna tutor as much, more karan and arty, karans covered maths and phys and artys covered chem and p.e. all i can do is pretty much umat and 3u
  2. C

    Its time......The curry tutoring service...has arrived

    they reply faster if you pm karan, the other two dont respond :/
  3. C

    Its time......The curry tutoring service...has arrived

    when do you guys start tutoring? during the school term or now?
  4. C

    Its time......The curry tutoring service...has arrived

    hey if we want to start with you, where would we have tution. and im asian, can i come?
  5. C

    The Department Says Relax

    overcramming now isnt advised, i have a bunch of friends all going for 99's, and they say its best now to revise stuff you dont know, but not to memorise it all now. Its prolly better to do that the day before the exam, ie. memorising 6 mark answers, the finer points of an essay i reckon now...
  6. C

    "Muslims are Masters of the world" - A Deluded drone and Propoganda

    hmm, noone finds it odd that this topic was started by a seemingly racist person? or maybe i missed that post
  7. C


    okay as good as prep courses are, the two booklets you buy from acer are way better. and most of my friends who adhered to the prep course bombed out in section 2 but reasonably well in sections 1 and 3. i went to dallas and didnt take him too srsly cause his methods seemed alot worse than mine...
  8. C

    Sc Exam Thoughts

    The last one was decreased mass or increased force to make it travel further, right? I got 5 different ones compared to you. I put: Hydrosulfate Electron Infectous Dupliaction Typhoon I really screwed that one up. That maths shouldn't be that hard, but his/geo is a bummer
  9. C

    Sc Exam Thoughts

    The last one was decreased mass or increased force to make it travel further, right?