I did the same units in my undergrad a few years ago, and I got the better mark with International Business Alliances (low 70s) as compared to the Ethics one (high 50s/low 60s). IBA involves a bit more rote learning, but the concepts are easy to understand and it's more practical. Ethics...
Here's my 2c on the Management major:
Overall, MGMT is a major that's fairly easy to get credits and distinctions (if you put in some effort). From memory, my marks in this major ranged from 65-72. Some of the units are interesting, others are just plain dry. These were the units that I did...
Guess you haven't met me haha. I'm probably one of the rarer ones that had got into Commerce with a low 70s ATAR. I got a credit average gpa at UWS and transferred. In my first semester at USYD I failed two subjects, but over than that most of my grades have been fairly consistent with mostly...
i got into commerce with a low 70s atar and a credit average gpa from uws bus/com. your friend has a decent shot for commerce, but it depends on how competitive it is during the uac application phase and a bit of luck.
No, it's only useful for most of the first year core units for about the first half of each semester. Most of the first year content is common sense stuff.
you can get macro and stats credited. macro is not a core unit in B.Com.
to answer the OP's original question:
back when i transferred from UWS to USYD, my gpa was barely above a credit: 5.125 with ~75 ATAR. you should be able to transfer with a credit gpa/wam if it's not too competitive
1) hogwarts
2) the meatboxes
3) $4/5 pides
4) the grass
nah seriously, when i transferred to USYD from UWS after my first year, it was because:
- prestige/reputation
- more convenient for me to get to from the Liverpoool/Fairfield area
- transferring into UNSW commerce was too competitive
Commerce 2nd year
International Risk Management (IBUS3102) – 71 – C
People & Organisations (WORK2218) – 66 – C
Management & Organisational Ethics (WORK2219) – 67 – C
New Products Marketing (MKTG3114) – 68 – C
my exam's on the 3rd last and last day LOL.
Organisational Communication - WORK2221 - Wednesday 27th
Leadership in Organisations - WORK2222 - Friday 29th