Recent content by daena

  1. daena

    What case studies are you doing?

    We're doing the Historicity of Jesus Christ. And damn it's pain in the ass. There's only three of us in the class and even though out teacher is really good, she's gone through so much information in huge clumps in each lesson, so by the time the class is over, it feels like your heads been...
  2. daena

    Powerplay Quotes

    Hey. The 'Lord Acton' quote will be great with my Antony and Cleopatra topic. Thanks a bunch!
  3. daena

    Supp Texts - Inner

    Hey. For an inner journey, which falls also under the title of a "road-movie" from the stimulus booklet, is Elizabethtown. How the main character, Drew I think?, played by Orlando Bloom, journeys to his home town to find not only himself but where he fits in the world and where his life...