Recent content by dipis

  1. D

    $10+$10+$10=$29? Solve this

    Three ladies have lunch at a restaurant. When they are finished, the waiter tells them the bill comes to $30. They each hand him a ten dollar bill. When he brings the money to into the kitchen, the restaurant owner tells him that he made a mistake: The bill should only come to $25 and the owner...
  2. D

    Standard English + UAI

    Std Eng: 74 UAI: 88.5
  3. D

    Multiple Choice

    From the rocket that was fired, same as any other rocket leaving earth.
  4. D

    Multiple Choice

    but thats when something starts on earth and crashes into the earth, its different when its in orbit. Low earth orbitters need to travel heaps faster than geo stat to match their falling motion with the curve of the earth, uthawise they will crash into the earth
  5. D

    Multiple Choice

    It says the rocket is fired forward that reduces its orbital speed, it says nothing about the speed it needs to get there just that it was fired in order to reduce obital speed. Therefore it must be A. Because geo-stationary satellites travel much slower than low earth orbitters
  6. D

    Multiple Choice

    Yes a drive does go far but thats because its got lots of speed to get it far. The max range for any projectile will always be achieved if you fire it at an angle of 45. Also you cant compare those two actions because ur using two different clubs and its a totally different technique when...
  7. D

    Multiple Choice

    I also think Q8 is C because even though batteries are DC when the switch turns on there will be a quick change in the magnetic field which will affect the galvanometer and then the current will subside after when the current is flowing and thhere is no more magnetic field Also another...
  8. D

    Multiple Choice

    Nah, time differs for different angles because it goes higher in the sky and only gravity is what makes it fall. Go to this website:
  9. D

    Multiple Choice

    Hey, wouldnt Q5 be C because the max range is 45 then the same range is achieved by angles that are complimentary. So shooting higher in the sky would make it stay up longer