Recent content by djraven87

  1. D

    when does school start?

    Thursday ^_^
  2. D

    And a nice hello to you to friend. =] Clearly i havn't got a clue how to reply, but i'll learn...

    And a nice hello to you to friend. =] Clearly i havn't got a clue how to reply, but i'll learn, eventually..
  3. D

    What can i say, i like bright colours =] Thankyou <3

    What can i say, i like bright colours =] Thankyou <3
  4. D

    What are you currently Reading?

    The curious incident of the dog in the night-time o.O Edit: by Mark Haddon
  5. D

    Math trick

    I'll probably doing this now when i finnish early in an exam.. o.O
  6. D

    Are co-ed schools better than same sex schools or vice versa

    Co-ed is definately better.. And i'll send my kids to a co-ed school as well.. Why?? How else will you learn to "operate" (couldn't think of a better word) when your an adult in the bigger society.. (eww.. sorry bout the wierd wording) Being in a co-ed school (i'm in one) lets you learn...
  7. D

    what size bed?

    Queen... Mybe i'll get my rents to get me a king when i go to uni.. :)
  8. D

    help? dilemma with teacher.

    That i got sick of his talking?? not really because it was totally off topic.. o.O
  9. D

    Poem - plz read

    I know i probly shudnt post it on here but i dont know how to create a new thread :confused: Can you please read my poem and give me any tips to improvement?? I will always love you I love you I love you not Millions of questions Running through my head. We were perfect in every single...
  10. D

    help? dilemma with teacher.

    I think you should write a formal letter and hand it to the the head teacher of the english department at your school.. I had a similar issue with legal last year.. In the yearly exam for my yr11 legal test i wrote a 1pge formal letter complaining about how the teacher had poor teaching...
  11. D

    How does the reputation system work?

    Thankyou so much!! PS.. just gave you a positive rep :)
  12. D

    How does the reputation system work?

    So how exactly do we get reps?? In simple english plz... :)
  13. D

    Faking Your 120 log book hours

    OMG i totally did it.. the first 2 months i was all serious and actually wrote my hours down.. then just faked it all in the last month before i went to do my p's test.. But make sure you get lessons before you do the test.. Seriously.. it will help.. And most importantly.. make sure you are...
  14. D

    What study did you do today?

    I actually got stuck into doing my biology assignment.. Unfortunately, i still managed to procrastinate as i couldnt help but be msning and facebooking.. :) But i desperately need help with my bio assignment.. Would appreciate any tips.. There are two parts.. (im still on the first part...