Recent content by DontWorryCuz

  1. DontWorryCuz

    Maths sucks

    aghh i hate maths with a passion i regret choosing it as one of my subjects for the HSC. thats gona scale me down heaps, i already have an N award for it. seriously dont know shit about it and dont care lol
  2. DontWorryCuz

    How many students?

    my class has 6
  3. DontWorryCuz


    ahhh u pooor thing i dropped that subject i hated it... more like i hated our teacher which made me dislike the subject.. its not easy too.. goodluck with it
  4. DontWorryCuz

    Stressed much

    yeah ur right.. il take your word on it lol nd il try keep a calm mind.. thanks :)
  5. DontWorryCuz

    Stressed much

    I honestly wish it was, because it makes me stress on how the following year is going to be for me. My Modern teacher actually told me that.
  6. DontWorryCuz

    Belonging related texts

    Legally Blonde Mean Girls Forest Gump Freedom Writers just naming a few.. if i come up with anymore il let u know
  7. DontWorryCuz

    Stressed much

    i wish our teachers were like yours, rather than encouraging us they put us down.. saying that for the next year.. you have no life
  8. DontWorryCuz

    The Woolworths Thread

    Award = dont really know much about the awards but i think my contract says W.W.E.A?? Pay = in ur case, casual nd 19 yrs old.. ur looking at $16, nd on Sundays u get time and a half. Hours = 38. but if u were working heaps of hours they might offer u a contract and/or full-time/part-time...