Recent content by drinkarizona

  1. D

    Subject selection (4u english with 6 other units)

    I'm just wondering if I can remain committed to my 10 units (including 4u English) instead of having to spend time on math. Well now that I think about it, I guess it's an alright backup in case my other marks crash and burn.
  2. D

    Subject selection (4u english with 6 other units)

    yeah I have since realised that was some weird thing my school did where they don't like you doing similar subjects. irrelevant
  3. D

    Subject selection (4u english with 6 other units)

    Okay, my subjects right now are: English Adv English Ext Gen Math Legal Studies Business Studies Economics Studies of Religion II I'm definitely dropping business due to the teacher, class, and generally the course. But I'm also considering picking up English Ext 2 next year and dropping...