M to V - Board of Studies NSW That's from 2001. It includes SOR I and II. I know that the requirements of the syllabus change, and that questions like "contrast and compare" don't appear any more. But look at those questions. Do you see anything like that at all? go through every past paper...
Again, I'm not saying that the exam was hard or anything. But their "shock" over students not adapting to the exam is stupid because every single exam they've given of the past few years has been "narrow". The trials were "narrow". What were we supposed to expect?
I understand that they're...
You guys are fucking retarded and completely missed the point. I wasn't whinging about how the exam was hard - I was saying that if the board springs a question that is ABSOLUTELY AND UTTERLY DIFFERENT to the ones it's written before, it should EXPECT people to go "WTF" in the exam...
To be honest, I hate this "We're completely innocent and the students are imbeciles" stance that the BOS is taking on this matter. We're preparing too "narrowly" for the exams, you say? Well you arrogant, retarded people up at the BOS - who the hell wrote the last ~8 years worth of papers so...
Re: Called up Board of Studies regarding 2 related texts
Hey you, guy - You'd best unfuck yourself and calm down. You're acting way to agressively about this damn thing - and perhaps you'd do well to "stop whinging". Your own advice is often the best.
I will explode. Seriously, that's it.
And then I'll re-form myself, get trashed and install so many goddamned games and let it all run until I return home from the massive ass parties happening everywhere.
Contrary to popular belief, 90 percent of a barrister's work is paperwork, not standing up and arguing. For every one minute you're standing up and making the other side look like shit, there are 2 hours of paperwork, research and study required into relevant issues related to the case that has...
Carrier Sense Multiple Acces / Data Collision (CSMA/CD) is a method used by ethernet-based networks in order to transmit data. First, a node "listens" to the line, in essence checking whether or not something is already being transmitted through the network. If nothing is being transmitted, it...
Are you unfamiliar with the insanity plea? The mentally ill are given special consideration when it comes to crimes they commit, as they have not commited them out of a controlled desire, but instead driven by their illness and unable to prevent the crime.
And John - those are all various...
I'm sorry, I was under the impression that killing a person is undoubtedly a crime, whether or not the person had the mental capacity to stop themselves from commiting it is a completely different story. There have been plenty of murders and assaults by violent schitzophrenics. Did you read that...
I'm sorry, I'm not sure you've ever met a person with intense schizophrenia. Or heard of any of the many rich yet violent murderers, child molesters, rapists, cannibals...
Would you like to rephrase your statement? Because poverty sure as hell isn't the root of all violent crime like you seem...
Only because of our lack of understanding.
For example, ancient man scratches his nose. It begins to rain. Ancient man looks up to the clouds and realises that the act of scratching his nose makes it rain. The act of scratching his nose is miraculous to him because it apparently makes it rain...