Recent content by duxplz

  1. D

    How much have you written so far? Freaking a little.

    Ahhh! Now I'm freaked out. I've written about...600 words. I do know some however who have not started at all, which makes me feel better, but you guys make me feel worse. I like to work slowly though when writing, it generally comes out better. I just haven't got around to all the research I...
  2. D

    Picture book as Major Work

    big difference between a graphic novel and a picture book!
  3. D

    Please share your wise knowledge EE2 '08ers!

    very good and inspiring advice(:
  4. D

    How to study effectively without falling asleep?

    uhhh i went to a crappy workshop thing where it discussed different methods of learning and studying...depends on the person. if reading over your notes doesn't work then it's probably never going to work. apparently some people record themselves reading them out (although idk who does this)...
  5. D

    "a smart student in a bad education system will achieve more academically...

    i see many people who have no motivation or intelligence to cope with the hsc attempting it (probably weren't allowed to drop out in year 10 to do their haridressing apprenticeship...aha) and its just a waste of time for everyone. no matter how good the teachers are, they're not able to force...
  6. D

    My first erotic story

    hahahaha i think the semis are more disturbing than the actual story. sooo weird. i don't think i'll be able to sleep tonight.
  7. D

    twilight series

    i read twilight when i was 14/15, and i only bought it for the cover art of the first edition. and it distresses me to think that a book that is surely meant to entertain young teenage girls, who have their petty stereotypical thoughts of what relationships are all about swimming through their...
  8. D

    My first erotic story

    Lol Wtf!!
  9. D


    are you doing an analysis on it? its hard to know exactly what is should be speaking to your teacher or reading over the task requirements. also look through the rubric do gain understanding of what you should be looking for when finding things that relate to belonging. but i'm...