Recent content by duy92

  1. D

    Bridging course in 2 days

    daam i got happy for a sec lol test is on tuesday 2nd of feb so that next week :(
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    Bridging course in 2 days

    wooo test next week alrdy xD
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    MATH1011 and MATH1131

    thats sounds alright then guess ill be working my arse off during the bridging course and the semester
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    MATH1011 and MATH1131

    2unit maths and hsc phy both band 5s
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    MATH1011 and MATH1131

    hey guys if i do MATH1011 i cant do phys in sem 1 would it be safer to do the bridging course then do MATH1131 or just do the bridging course + MATH1011 and delay phys for one sem