Recent content by enip

  1. E

    Tutoring recs for Year 11

    i haven't been to matrix, but from what i've seen from my friends that go there is that the questions seem a bit on the easier side especially compared to other centres, but i don't know how the teaching is. just try out other centres and compare
  2. E

    messed up on a subject 😭😭

    grand scheme of things 20% actually is not that much and as long as you are not too far behind it is very doable to recover (im just coping as well as i reckon i did the same thing)
  3. E

    business or legal?

    hi i have a dilemma i don't know which one to pick. i am doing an accel, and hence therefore i don't want the last subject i pick to be too heavy but i also don't want it to scale horribly, but it is probably my buffer and most likely won't count to my HSC as i am pretty confident that i can do...
  4. E

    BIOLOGY V ECONOMICS (subject selection)

    thank you for your replies and useful insights :) i've been actually looking into business studies in the past few weeks, and i am now debating between it or eco. my idea is that since the best 10 units are picked, i don't really need to have a high demanding subject (such as eco),. tbh i...
  5. E

    BIOLOGY V ECONOMICS (subject selection)

    Hi, I am in year 10 and going to pick out my subjects. My idea of what I want to do after school is probs medicine, so I need a high ATAR. Here are my subjects : - Ex1 Math / I am pretty good at math and maybe plan on doing x2 - Ex1 Eng / Not really that good at english, alright at it but...
  6. E

    any good practice workbooks?

    are there any good practice workbooks for year 11 chem exams. I have got my eyes on the Maxtrix Chemisty Max ones, but also maybe chem in focus skills assessment workbook. thanks
  7. E

    work experience - med research center

    hi i got an offer for a medical research center for year 10 work experience. Does anyone know what kind of stuff to expect there, and what kind of things i will do
  8. E

    modules content rank pls

    also i heard mod 2 is basically math, but how much content do you need to understand/memorise
  9. E

    modules content rank pls

    hi, i finished mod 1 of chemistry and I have TOO MANY flashcards and notes, due to it having a lot of theory to digest. I am wondering to what extent, compared to mod 1, would mods 3 & 4 be content heavy wise?
  10. E

    Should I Handwrite or Type My Notes for HSC Chemistry/Physics?

    Hi, do you think that writing notes provides value if I don't even look at my book when reviewing but instead look at the powerpoints of the course. And are there suggestions to help provide value to notes in this case? thanks
  11. E

    zhangs or ace for CHEMISTRY?

    lmao those ppl....i mean jokes on them when they do the actual exams
  12. E

    zhangs or ace for CHEMISTRY?

    bruh how did thye cheat 💀
  13. E

    zhangs or ace for CHEMISTRY?

    i think it may be higher tho i kinda forgot
  14. E

    zhangs or ace for CHEMISTRY?

    i think he said our class, why r u shocked?