Recent content by forkward

  1. F

    Module B: Speeches Help

    Our teacher only told us to analyse two speeches in our essays. Wat?
  2. F

    Atar estimate?

    Yeah I know, hoping for a better result in the exams. Do you think an 85 would be possible? Thanks anyway!
  3. F

    Belonging and Identity??

    Maybe you could link your topics to identity, like saying belonging to ____ or ____ affects a persons identity in some way?
  4. F

    Atar estimate?

    School rank: 100 Advanced English: 44/60 Maths: 13/63 Ancient history: 8/24 Industrial tech multimedia: 3/9 Visual art: 6/14 Just curious :)
  5. F

    Study tips :3

    Lovely tips, thank you!
  6. F

    Who else is shitting bricks?

    My apologies, only meant it as a joke and not to offend anyone.
  7. F

    Who else is shitting bricks?

    Like jumping off a building
  8. F

    Who else is shitting bricks?

    Well I'm just accepting the fact that I'm ridiculously fucked
  9. F

    Who else is shitting bricks?

    Anyone prepare for 2 related texts for AOS?