Recent content by Go_Lucky

  1. G

    difficult parents

    i'd try and directly ask him for a private chat. if he sees how much it means to you i'm sure he'll make time.
  2. G

    difficult parents

    i'd try talking to your dad. often it's just one parent who's the problem.
  3. G

    difficult parents

    so is it just your mom doing it then?
  4. G

    difficult parents

    See, the bos support system. We're here!
  5. G

    difficult parents

    It. Is. Not. The. Best. Option. How old are you siblings? Have you ever tried talking to your parents?
  6. G

    Should i go for electrical engineering at unsw?

    haha. get the guys to do all your work for you. but seriously go for it. so long as you work hard and want to be there you can likely do it.
  7. G

    related texts for peter skrzynecki poems (immigrant chronicle)

    Don't do Kite Runner. It's overdone. I'd do the short story. "Security through anonymity" was my mantra. If the marker's never heard of it they have to accept what I say (so long as I convince them with you techniques, effects, quotes blah blah blah).
  8. G

    difficult parents

    First piece of advice is that suicide is definitely not the answer. Believe me, everybody has rough patches in their life and then they look back on it and can't believe what they were worried about. I get that this isn't especially comforting at the moment but it's true. If you go through a...
  9. G

    Post Your 2014 Sem1 Timetable

    Sorry, do you mean that I do the other two in later semesters? (Yeah comm/is buddy!)
  10. G

    Business and economic statistics or microeconomics??

    First year here going into comm/info sys. Not sure which of these i should choose. can anybody give me an idea of what they're like and the difficulty. Also, if i do one, can i do the other next semester or not. cheers :spzz:
  11. G

    Post Your 2014 Sem1 Timetable

    I'm doing comm/info systems. I have to do accounting, business databases, and info systems. but then i get to choose 1 of: microeconomics, business and economic statistics and managing organisations and people. I just don't understand with these electives, if i pick microeconomics does that mean...
  12. G

    When do we make our unsw timetables????

    that's me!! does it matter what courses we pick? i mean, i'm doing comm/info sys and i don't understand what courses i'm supposed to do this semester. like core courses, majors, electives. arghhhhhhh
  13. G

    When do we make our unsw timetables????

    Do we do it after 9 tonight or do we just accept tonight and then do it at a later date?????? confused. need time to understand the courses.
  14. G

    confused about time table

    planning to do commerce/information systems. it says i need core courses from both. do i have to do all core courses? i'm really confused as to how to structure my timetable. pls help