I hate when you can't find good books, I have a series called Indigo by Louise Cooper, it's damn near impossible to find, managed to get 3 books from America the UK and one from some old second hand book store.
chronicles of ancient darkness doesn't look to bad, i do read a fare bit of fantasy stuff as well, Robin Hobb and Kate Forsythe have some pretty cool books. Ive read and own lots of their books and they are all awesome fantasy stories.
well i dnt think ive seen crash but i read To Kill A Mocking Bird a year ago or so. Can't say I liked it too much, but its a pretty good text for prejudice. Yea i rekon most anime is good, big fan of fighting stuff and comedy though. im not so artsy but i do read heaps, Matthew Reilly has to be...
WTF is the world coming to if you believe that if a man steals a car and the police initiate a chase that they get the blame for it if the dickhead driving the car crashes. Why was he stealing the car in the first place, and now four people are dead, one person is in a coma and the police that...
I would have to say that at our age dating a 30 year old would seem a bit strange. My brother is 22 and was dating a 32 year old. I don't believe age should factor in too much, that said I do think it is wrong for a 14 year old to date a 28 year old. When both are mature enough to make their own...