Recent content by infatuated-x3

  1. infatuated-x3

    Subject chosen YAY!

    obviously? provided you have good enough marks.
  2. infatuated-x3

    bahaha! Swim for brighter days, despite the absence of sun mind giving me yours too? :)

    bahaha! Swim for brighter days, despite the absence of sun mind giving me yours too? :)
  3. infatuated-x3

    hey there! yeah i do actually have a tumblr :) i'm guessing you could tell from my avatar? haha

    hey there! yeah i do actually have a tumblr :) i'm guessing you could tell from my avatar? haha
  4. infatuated-x3

    vocab for eng

    as well as writing them down in a little notepad + try using it in a sentence :)
  5. infatuated-x3

    Earliest memories

    Stealing food from the fridge at childcare. Childcare lady chastised me. Was so petrified, i never set foot in that place again. Also, when i was 5 i used to like pretend talking on the phone and i randomly said "fuck" cause i heard it from somewhere but obviously didn't know what it meant...
  6. infatuated-x3

    Binomial theorem question

    Find the value of k if the coefficients of x^k and x^(k+1) in (3x+2)^19 are equal. Answer is 11 but I have no idea how to do the working out.
  7. infatuated-x3

    Prelim half-yearlies?

    Mine are in week 6-7 :confused: I'm using these holidays to consolidate on work that i've learnt so far and to hopefully drill it into my head so i won't have to stress as much when the time comes. Just out of curiosity, how long are the exams for you guys? Around 2hrs?
  8. infatuated-x3

    Did anyone do the Duke of Edinburgh?

    Surprised that nobody has mentioned it but having Duke of Edinburgh on your resume makes it look an infinite times better, provided that the employer knows what Duke of Ed is. Also, it opens up so much more leadership opportunities and makes you stand out from the many people who haven't done...
  9. infatuated-x3

    Girl Image issues, and what to say.

    This obviously stems from the whole self-esteem issue and i absolutely hate it when for example, a person uploads a photo of themselves and caption it as EW! and then she'll get a gazillion replies with "no, your gawjuzz!" or "you're heaps pretty!" etc etc. OR conversations that go something...
  10. infatuated-x3

    what are you craving atm?

    breadroll dipped in guacamole :uhhuh:
  11. infatuated-x3

    Matrix for Maths EX1

    Heard you have to do an entrance exam and they are rather strict on homework. I may be wrong though, so don't take my word for it! Anyways, although i haven't been there myself, the amount that the people in my maths class improved was quite significant. It started off with one guy going, who...
  12. infatuated-x3

    Good A4 excercise book

    I tend to steer away from victory books. Whenever i ruled a line/margin the paper would rip :( Tudor ftw! or Officeworks studymate. Both are quite good :)
  13. infatuated-x3

    BLOOPER: Lee Lin Chin - "who is that handsome...?"

    Hope this is the correct thread topic to post in. Initially saw this on the 7PM project and thought everyone here could do with a little laugh :) enjoy! YouTube - SBS News - Lee Lin Chin blooper: "Who is that handsome...?"
  14. infatuated-x3

    them Sydney Trains moments

    Re: them cityrail moments lol! +1
  15. infatuated-x3

    ATAR aims

    All assessments and exams count, though they all have different weightings :)