Recent content by James D H

  1. J

    english ext 1... critical, creative or both?

    That would be really good! Hope you go well! I hope your other subjects went well, you're doing hard ones!
  2. J

    english ext 1... critical, creative or both?

    I should get okay marks, I didn't find it all that difficult. What are you hoping for as a percentage?
  3. J

    english ext 1... critical, creative or both?

    The markers will see the terminology, and they will be happy you linked back to it in the conclusion. That's probably fine. It didn't say quotes were specifically needed.
  4. J

    english ext 1... critical, creative or both?

    Yeah, I kinda thought the same, just the way they were worded. But with the stimulus, I guess it gave freedom for creative, allowing the essays to focus better, and have something to align themselves with.
  5. J

    english ext 1... critical, creative or both?

    My opening for creative was the first few sentences from The Hobbit- because of the whole unexpected journey....
  6. J

    english ext 1... critical, creative or both?

    I used 4 quotes form the stimulus just to be safe, using them in my 2 body paragraphs. Exam went well. Glad it was creative for common mod!
  7. J

    post maths standard 2 - questions

    The test was easy, with a few odd questions here and there, but overall very good. Thank you NESA.
  8. J

    post maths standard 2 - questions

    I rounded down, all my friends rounded up. :oldconfused:
  9. J


    3 pages for imaginative, half a page for reflection
  10. J

    Music 1

    The exam was absolutely abhorrent for me. Expected at most one classical piece, some pop, some rock. Never heard of the Smashing Pumpkins one, but had heard the Radiohead one. I did pitch and duration. Wish I hadn't picked music, easy Band 2 for this exam. LOL
  11. J


    Did Okay, Mod B threw me off, I did Emma, also ran out of time for reflection, bit sad.
  12. J


    I didn't do that one, can't help sorry, ran out of time
  13. J


    I siad cause it was present tense, first person, and the time seemed to not exist, it was all in the moment, and that being here was repeated twice.
  14. J


    Just did paper one, the essay was alright, didn't finish short answer, but I worked backwards, so lost marks on low-scoring ones. I made stuff up where I didn't know what to write, kinda funny. LOL. It should go well, just have to remember creative tomorrow, and how to adapt it for different styles.