Recent content by jasexy

  1. J

    Has anyone who's not a current high school leaver got an offer yet?

    Thanks mate, and Merry Christmas to you too. What have you applied for?
  2. J

    Has anyone who's not a current high school leaver got an offer yet?

    Just wondering whether any non-current-high-school-leaver has received an offer from UAC yet? I studied a semester of uni this year, then took the rest of the year off before applying (for a new, non-relevant to the first degree course) again. Anyone else in a similar boat? Cheers.
  3. J

    My year 11 subject selections

    Japanese Continuers, in my opinion, is not at all difficult, and definitely not difficult. The work levels are not at all a lot and although it can be challenging, it is very enjoyable. That said, you should definitely do Continuers.
  4. J

    HSC Timetable 2010

    1/1/3/2/1 interesting
  5. J

    When does the HSC TIMETABLE for 2010 come out?

    this year? howd you find out the language oral dates?
  6. J

    Subject you like/dislike most?

    Most to least: Japanese Extension Japanese Continuers Economics Legal Studies English Adv 3U Maths
  7. J

    Welcome & Roll Call - Class of 2010

    jase, fshs - advanced, 3maths, eco, legal, japcont, japext
  8. J

    I'm pretty sure you're the girl who sits next to me in maths. Let's be friends. LOL

    I'm pretty sure you're the girl who sits next to me in maths. Let's be friends. LOL
  9. J

    Who knew you could do two languages for hsc?!

    i didnt, wouldve done another one instead of physics...
  10. J

    School / Subject

    fort street - advanced english, maths, maths ext1, economics, legal studies, japanese cont, japanese ext
  11. J

    What subjects are you doing for Year 12?

    doin english adv, maths, mathsext1, legal, eco, japcont, japext. 12 units. dropped physics. oh yea
  12. J


    mine are in weeks 8 and 9, got three exams on one of the days though, fuck
  13. J

    B Design Interior Ba Int Stds

    just wondering if anybody has a clue why the cut off shot up so high within a space of a year?
  14. J

    textbooks used for interior design?

    hey guys, just wondering if anyone that currently studies interior design at uts can tell me the textbooks used for the course. much appreciated thanks :)