stop bitching. the mark you got is still very good and wont make any sort of dramatic difference. i did my ipt exam in yr11 and completely made no effort all yr. i ended up with 85. besides english (which i hold a deep hatred for), 85 is my lowest mark, and being ipt thats still not great i dont...
yea byron went off for the week is was there. lots of people hav complained cos of no 'organised' events. in my opinion this makes it a whole lot better cos ur forced to go and make ur own entertainment, meet even more new ppl...etc. met some crazy ppl on schoolies and prob had the best week of...
no spelling errors??? go and have a few more first mate. anyway off to study ecos!! hav fun everyone who's finished, ill be joining you all soon enough. lol
for every radius there is a velocity corrospondant to keep it in orbit. by slowing the velocity the satellite spirals inwards. this sort of thing also comes up in quanta2quarks with electron orbits, however bohrs postualtes say that electrons exist in stable orbits.
mmmm well it makes sense. if u think of it from a physics pooint of view....the tanks full at the start, so at t=0 there is the most pressure pushing down, as the tank empoties the pressure drops and the rate of change is smaller too
i had a bit of trouble with 6bii as well. when u equated the derivative to 0 u ended up with t=60 cos theoretically that is the only SP cos all the waters drained. however if u graphed it it was a linear function and its minumum was at t=0 and -120L/min. the rate of decrease of the volume was...
yea it was a bitch of an exam. i only attempted to get 4 of the marks out of q10 but i kno i got all 4 cos they were easy/ show questions. q1-9 i think i ocunted a possibility of losing mayb 5 marks. so thats like 107+ hopefully. was a bitch of an exam tho. i seriously sympathise with the 2u...
10a (ii) i thought wasnt too bad for a question 10. i give u that it was pretty hard. all u had to do was find the distance beteen A and B, then sub in the equation that they'd already given u and equate it all out with the stuff they gave u in part (i). u also had to realise that...
it was pretty challenging. taking a look back at my paper i think q1-6 werent too bad, mayb lost 1 or 2marks. q7 on wards wewre harsh tho. q 8 wasnt realllly too bad actually i found. part (c) was pretty easy and part a was tricky. u had to be writing down everything u did from the start of the...
blacks shits on guillotines if u catch it right. and i wasnt gona mention mills on the net cos id feel as shit as the ppl who post breaks on fukn wannasurf
thats really weird. usually u find out what u wanna do and then look at allll ur options at every uni to see which offers the best course, has best faculty, greater job opportunities, more respectable courses to employers etc etc. by saying i wana go to sydney uni ur really narrowing the scope...
exactly same ethics essay question we had in our trial. and i got 19 for it in the trial. was pretty easy to pick tho cos they dint ask it last yr. somehow managed to beef up my 6 page trial response which scored 19 into 12 pages which is hopefully even better. fingers crossed
it wasnt D cos the response of christianity was mixed toward conscriptiopn in ww1. spoke to my teacher after the exam and she seeemed to support me in syaing it wasA) support for britain. shes a marker so hopefully she got it right. ahhaha
ended up doing keating, king and lincoln. id studied all of the speeches pretty in depth tho, i thought they'd specify this yr. they havnt specified since 2002 so i thougth it was about time. nailed some junk in keatings speech about the metaphysical faith and democracy representing...
ahhh the joy of english. there is no correct interpretation in english. if u hav a point of view and u can back it up well and do what the rubric says ur looking at getting like a17 or 18 probli. on a lesser note i thought the question was pretty obscure and pretty bad. i hear it wasa perfect...