Recent content by jeffreyf

  1. J

    the public sector

    Depends what position. or google careers and your local council. If your just looking for a job though try looking at your uni's career website
  2. J

    Usyd- Commerce liberal studies

    It really depends what units your doing, since it sounds like your going to pick commerce units (subjects) I would estimate around 12 hours of lectures and tutorials ( 2 hour lecture, 1 hour tutorial x 4 units a semester). Since your going to do Liberal studies you can choose to do units from a...
  3. J

    Which Major?

    It really depends about your future career goals. I'm assuming you want to work in the engineering field, in that case management or economics could come in handy for general knowledge but an employer is not going to be really fussed. I would recommend just looking up the major descriptions...
  4. J

    Quick Qs

    95.50. You should really be using the UAC website to find this out though...
  5. J

    Transfer: UWS to Macquarie (Bachelor of Business and Commerce)

    Aim for a credit average and you should be sweet. I know quite a few people who transferred from B commerce and business UWS to B commerce Macq.
  6. J

    First year 2nd hand B Business and Commerce textbooks *Cheap!*

    Textbooks include: title author edition price Business Academic Skills 3e Waveney Croft 3rd $35.00 Accounting Business Reporting ... Jacqeline Birt et all 2nd $35.00 Accounting Business Reporting ... Jacqeline Birt et...
  7. J

    yeee braaah, dont use it much these daiz... ttyl

    yeee braaah, dont use it much these daiz... ttyl
  8. J

    Business and Commerce Help

    ... because if you go super good at uni and have some background experience it doesn't matter where you go... infact education isn't the only when getting a job...
  9. J

    marketing as a major

    It depends what your end game is mate. In reality a marketing degree isn't whats needed to get into a marketing job, its more about experience like everyone else is saying. I'm surprised to hear you want to do marketing though, seriously your online profile will do you no favors when you want...
  10. J

    General Thoughts: Physics

    What did eveyr1 get 4 mc?
  11. J

    What subject are you dropping?

    Lol same ere'
  12. J

    are you gonna study in the holidays

    hahaa same here exactly
  13. J

    The Greatest Book Ever Written

    Yo all, Its got to be The Godfather by Mario Puzo