Recent content by jenaaaa

  1. J

    what are some stuff that will make me study more effectively?

    i love it, it helped me focus for longer, i finished by assignment in like 2 days, i can concentrate during lectures. but i only take them when i have to, so like when i need to finish my assignment or studying fro exams etc.., have you tried them?
  2. J

    what are some stuff that will make me study more effectively?

    i tried modafinil last sem for uni, i got my first ever hd and c for others, only take them when i need to do my assignments and sometimes for studying, where was this during my hsc T.T lol
  3. J

    what are some stuff that will make me study more effectively?

    ive heard a few prescription drugs help you with focusing etc, has anyone tried any of them? what do you think of it? does it really help you?