Ravel Toccata. It is flashy and fast. It has non-diatonic parts (depending on how you define diatonic. contains whole-tone and pentatonic notes). It is lmusa level. It is a great substitute for gym.
"He was a giant of neoclassicism and writing original music in basically a sort of refurbished style to make his own style." what makes him different from Stravinsky or Ravel?
"He wrote many different types of works and forms, symphonies, concertos for many different instruments, operas...
Repertoire recommendations for Music Ext:
1. Scarbo
2. Prokofiev Toccata
3. Bach Ricercar no 6
If you do non-piano, do a transcription of these. If you play like Tsuji last Saturday, ENCORE concert SElecTion guaranteed.
past papers hsc 2020 onwards, then do Sydney grammar trials to make you feel sad but realise the difficulty can only help you in the lead up to the real thing, use Anki to memorise mod 8 and reaction pathways or even your bio stuff, then DEFinitely write out all the methods (titration...
What if they ask about a specific poem like they did in 2019? Wouldn't it make sense for t.s eliot-ers to have PREPARED 5 then? I have 4, hoping they won't ask Prelude.