Recent content by johnno123

  1. J

    3rd Year Medical Science Electives

    Hi, Does anyone reccommend any senior science/non science electives that are relatively easy and more possible to do well in?
  2. J

    Lecture attendance

    Hi, Does anyone know if attendance is recorded for WRIT1000 or WRIT1001 lectures?
  3. J

    Medical Science Career Paths

    Hi, This might sound like a very general question. What are some majors that I can do which lead to good options for further study and career paths? I'm thinking of majoring in pharmacology and then applying for the masters of pharmacy. Any recommendations?
  4. J

    WRIT1000 or WRIT1001

    Hi, I heard WRIT1000 and WRIT1001 are WAM boosters and relatively easy. Is this true given that there are lots of written assignments? And which one should I choose? I'm trying to find a WAM booster and less intense unit of study to choose as an elective for 2nd year Med science...
  5. J

    BMedSc Electives

    Does anyone recommend any electives that I should choose for 2nd year of med science that are less intense and easier to achieve good grades? Thanks
  6. J

    Undergraduate Medicine

    Hi Just wondering, is it a must to do at least 2 sciences (chemistry, physics or biology) for HSC to be eligible to apply for undergrad med at UWS or UNSW? Or is there any bridging courses available, etc? Thanks
  7. J

    Chem and Bio Notes

    Can someone please link me to some good chem and bio prelim notes? Maybe from the resource section or elsewhere. I'm not sure of which one's are effective and helpful.
  8. J

    Ahmad Chemistry Notes

    Which set of notes are the best to use from the resource section?
  9. J

    Ahmad Chemistry Notes

    I can only access the HSC chem notes.
  10. J

    Ahmad Chemistry Notes

    I need the prelim notes.
  11. J

    Ahmad Chemistry Notes

    Cant find the notes. Anyone else?
  12. J

    Ahmad Chemistry Notes

    Hello, Can someone please link me Ahmad Shah Idil's prelim chem notes if possible?
  13. J

    Share your ATAR here

    Wat atar would be considered a mystery mark if they give them out?
  14. J

    Share your ATAR here

    Just wondering, do the students that achieve a good atar (say 90+) get recognised online anywhere?
  15. J

    Cssa trials: Business studies

    Anyone get their results back? What was the highest in your cohort?