Recent content by jonolad69

  1. J

    2024 HSC Students who got into unsw/usyd law, what were your atars/lat scores?

    there are no average lat scores, people didnt get in with 90+, people got in with 80s, it is so random
  2. J

    What texts does Turramurra high school do for hsc English?
  3. J

    How I Kinda Fluked An 87 In Standard English In A Low Performing School A Complete Guide To Acing Std Eng

    ur marks for internals dont mean shit, its just ur rank. ur internal marks can be misleading as to what ur gonna get in the hsc
  4. J

    What are the non-legal responses?

    yea u do 2 legal, 1 non-legal never do more legal than non-legal there is low weighting on how good ur non-legal is, can still get 23/25 or 13/15 + with a shit non-legal, just gotta do your own research and evaluate as much as possible.
  5. J

    What are the non-legal responses?

    media and ngos
  6. J


    if 1180 is actually just plugging in formulas then you've saved a life, thx @Masaken
  7. J


    ur so goated thanks so muc
  8. J


    im asking for a friend thats all whabtw do u know the level of maths in commerce? is it 2u what math topics are ssential
  9. J


    yeah but like whats the math like? how do i see which topics in hsc it assesses
  10. J


    can u pls do a review for all the commerce ifys you've done whats the math like in comm1180??? is it 2u? is it just plugging in formulas? are there any topics that you must revise
  11. J


    there are no lectures for comm1120, its just a 3hr tutorial
  12. J

    UNSW Law offer cut offs

    no they're not going to give out offers
  13. J


    can you provide proof you go to grammar people who dont even go to the school can provide these resources and just sell them claiming they go there
  14. J

    Law at USYD if I don’t want to be a lawyer

    ok. well. are you school captain? are you poor? do you live in the boonies? u can always transfer into usyd law after the 1st year