Recent content by kdes17

  1. K

    2006 UTS Offers

    software engineering dude, me too :)
  2. K

    Is this possible....

    yep, by one or two marks
  3. K

    Is this possible....

    yes, but i beat him in every assessment
  4. K

    Is this possible....

    yeah, i was thinking BOS first, but i suppose going to school first makes more sense.
  5. K

    Is this possible....

    im sort of basing it on the rank in my report, but i know for a fact that i beat him in each and every single assessment task in year 11 and 12, so i am 100% sure i am ranked above him.
  6. K

    Is this possible....

    I do IPT, I got ... 94 for exam mark, 90 for assessment mark, 92 hsc mark. I was ranked SECOND in class. I was talking to a friend, and he got ... 93 for exam mark, 91 for assessment mark, 93 for hsc mark. he was ranked THIRD in class. so Im just wondering, how is it possible that i...
  7. K


    ME too! i just assumed that was wrong cos every else is using d = 1/p. what was your final answer btw?
  8. K

    Explain how you assessed the reliability of induction information.

    hang on... i said we made a induction motor and tested the torque 'quantitativly' (we didnt). and repeated the experiment for reliability, is that wrong?
  9. K


    i found it to be pretty good. got the parallax thing wrong, but thats only 2 marks, so not too worried. my school did qunta to quarks, i picked astro cos quanta's a piece of shit. i learnt astro from scratch yesterday. quite happy with my decision to change option topics.
  10. K

    Multiple choice [C o r r e c t a n s w e r s]

    yep, exactly, and also flash actionscript, java and c#. just tried those now.
  11. K

    Multiple choice [C o r r e c t a n s w e r s]

    question 17 should be B try it in a programming language, like me :) in C++... #include <iostream> using namespace std; void process(int j,int k){ k = j; cout << k; //this line is the same as 'print k' } void main(){ int i = 1; int j = 2...
  12. K

    what uai should i expect?

    hi, i have come to the conclusion that i dont know what to do after high school, so before i give myself any goals, could someone please predict a range for my uai; my subjects: software design / development = 68% (1/12) information processes = 84% (2/20) gen maths = 78% (6/60) physics...