I did not think it was that bad tbh, but i did spend a lot less time on this over Chem. Essay was alright, some of the Romantic's were good and my related texts suited the question very well. My story i really liked writing, off the cuff, but i think i made it into a pretty good story with a...
I managed to push out 2 full booklets for each question, i felt i could have done more, but i think i spent too much time planning, but im happy with how it tuned out.
Mod A - Talked about how Authority is related to power. Pretty happy with it - 17/18
Mod B - Slessor was pretty easy but i think i muddled up some of my wordings - 16/18
Mod C - Mulholland Drive worked so well with the 50th Gate and the question. - 17/18
Pretty happy with English as a whole tbh.