Recent content by levani

  1. L

    Does your ATAR matter for internal transfers?

    im gna do social science at unsw and the course i want to internally transfer to (b media) requires a weighted average mark of 75 at unsw, there were no program specific criterias so is there still a atar requirement for this program (i think they stil look at ur atar during transfers for more...
  2. L

    Questions about transferring courses

    so apparently media requires WAM (weighted average mark) of 70 and UOC (unit of cred) of 36 Are both of these requirements earned in ur first year, and if so is that hard? btw it said there were no special criteria so does this mean if i earn the appropriate WAM and UOC im definitely secured a...
  3. L

    Questions about transferring courses

    So i got into bachelor of social science/ arts in UNSW I'm really not sure wht i REALLY wnt to study at uni but i wnt to secure a spot in UNSW rather than doing my preferred course (b of mathematics/ finance) at UTS. So my question is if i earn enough credits/distinctions will i be able to...