Recent content by Lil Pac

  1. L

    Handmaid's Tale - HELP!

    Hey there I have to give a 5 minute presentation based on the Handmaid's Tale and i have no idea what to talk about... -_- The topic is: "Explore the use of scientific principles and inventions of the future world of 'The Handmaid's Tale'" Does anyone have any suggestions on what I...
  2. L

    how much would you pay for a table tennis bat

    YBK + Men = makes sense... XD!!! hehe, Youssy likes men... it's true! it's damn true!
  3. L

    Lord of the Rings

    Lazy Fat Ass To Youssy... OMG, you lazy fat ass, do your own work, stop using other peoples intelligence for your own purposes... btw, who here does chem? jkz jkz hehe, long live the king! (me)