Recent content by Lincolnc

  1. L

    Question relating to Hsc marking

    I would think you would lose maybe half a mark because you didn't read the question properly
  2. L

    Time off work for HSC exams? What are my rights?

    Companys can deny time off. The best thing to do is to resign. You can always get your job back if you resign. Just give them some heads up about your resignation and if you are a good worker you can easily get your job back. I was forced to resign my job because of the HSC and my manager said i...
  3. L

    Regrets of Picking Certain Subjects

    Should have dropped Music 1 rather then hospo..
  4. L

    Effective study

    I was just wondering if anyone had any tips for effective study, I always get distracted and I find I cant do anything for a long period of time. any suggestions of any exercises/ways to overcome this?