
# no more pascal triangle
# wanna play knots and crosses instead :!
# hard mode
#    1 | 2 | 3
#   ---|---|---
#    4 | 5 | 6
#   ---|---|---
#    7 | 8 | 9
#    (0,0) | (1,0) | (2,0)
#   -------|-------|-------
#    (0,1) | (1,1) | (2,1)
#   -------|-------|-------
#    (0,2) | (1,2) | (2,2)
import random
def Start():
    print("this is the key")
    print("1 | 2 | 3\n--|---|--\n4 | 5 | 6\n--|---|--\n7 | 8 | 9\n\n")
    valid_input = False
    while not valid_input:
        key = input("Type \'x\' or \'o\': ")
        if key == "x" or key == "X":
            player_key = "X"
            computer_key = "O"
            valid_input = True
        elif key == "o" or key == "O":
            player_key = "O"
            computer_key = "X"
            valid_input = True
    print("you are now playing as \'" + key + "\'")
    final_status = Main_Game(player_key, computer_key)
    if final_status == "player":
        print("You won, good job")
    elif final_status == "computer":
        print("The computer won, better luck next time")
    elif final_status == "tie":
        print("You both tied, not good enough")
        print("Ran out of turns, bad luck")
def Main_Game(player_key, computer_key) -> str:
    positions = {1: " ", 2: " ", 3: " ", 4: " ", 5: " ", 6: " ", 7: " ", 8: " ", 9: " "}
    game_status = ""
    turns = 0
    while turns < 9:
        positions = Computer_Turn(positions, player_key, computer_key)
        turns += 1
        game_status = Check_For_Winner(positions, player_key, computer_key)
        if game_status != "":
            return game_status
        if turns < 8:
            position_valid = False
            while not position_valid:
                position = int(input("Enter the position: "))
                position_valid = Check_Valid_Position(positions, position)
            positions[position] = player_key
            turns += 1
            game_status = Check_For_Winner(positions, player_key, computer_key)
            if game_status != "":
                return game_status
    return ""
def Check_For_Winner(positions, player_key, computer_key) -> str:
    player_win = False
    computer_win = False
    vector_set = [[0, -1], [1, 0], [0, 1], [-1, 0], [1, -1], [1, 1], [-1, 1], [-1, -1]]
    player_positions = Take_Postions(positions, player_key)
    computer_positions = Take_Postions(positions, computer_key)
    player_vectors = Integer_To_Vector(player_positions)
    computer_vectors = Integer_To_Vector(computer_positions)
    for player_vector in player_vectors:
        for vector in vector_set:
            new_pos = Add_Vector(player_vector, vector)
            if new_pos in player_vectors:
                second_pos = Add_Vector(new_pos, vector)
                if second_pos in player_vectors:
                    player_win = True
    for computer_vector in computer_vectors:
        for vector in vector_set:
            new_pos = Add_Vector(computer_vector, vector)
            if new_pos in computer_vectors:
                second_pos = Add_Vector(new_pos, vector)
                if second_pos in computer_vectors:
                    computer_win = True
    if player_win and not computer_win:
        return "player"
    elif not player_win and computer_win:
        return "computer"
    elif player_win and computer_win:
        return "tie"
    return ""
def Computer_Turn(positions, player_key, computer_key) -> dict:
    print("Computer turn...\n")
    player_positons = Take_Postions(positions, player_key)
    if len(player_positons) < 1:
        i = 0
        while not Check_Valid_Position(positions, i):
            i = random.randint(1, 9)
        if Check_Valid_Position(positions, i):
            positions[i] = computer_key
        computer_positions = Take_Postions(positions, computer_key)
        computer_data = Take_Weightings(Integer_To_Vector(computer_positions), computer_key, positions)
        computer_weightings = computer_data[0]
        computer_win = computer_data[1]
        if computer_win:
            surrounding_vectors = computer_weightings
            vector_positions = Integer_To_Vector(player_positons)
            weighting_data = Take_Weightings(vector_positions, player_key, positions)
            surrounding_vectors = weighting_data[0]
        position_keys = list(surrounding_vectors.keys())
        if len(position_keys) > 0:
            highest_key = position_keys[0]
            for key in position_keys:
                if surrounding_vectors[key] > surrounding_vectors[highest_key]:
                    highest_key = key
            positions[highest_key] = computer_key
    return positions
def Take_Weightings(vector_positions, key, positions) -> list:
    vector_set = [[0, -1], [1, 0], [0, 1], [-1, 0], [1, -1], [1, 1], [-1, 1], [-1, -1]]
    defence = False
    surrounding_vectors = {}
    for vector in vector_positions:
        for set in vector_set:
            weighting = 1
            surround_vector = Add_Vector(vector, set)
            if 0 <= surround_vector[0] <= 2 and 0 <= surround_vector[1] <= 2:
                index = Vector_To_Integer([surround_vector])[0]
                if Check_Valid_Position(positions, index):
                    secondary_vector = Add_Vector(set, surround_vector)
                    if 0 <= secondary_vector[0] <= 2 and 0 <= secondary_vector[1] <= 2:
                        pos_index = Vector_To_Integer([secondary_vector])[0]
                        if not Check_Valid_Position(positions, pos_index):
                            if positions[pos_index] == key:
                                defence = True
                    surrounding_vectors = Add_To_Weighting_List(surrounding_vectors, index, weighting)
                elif positions[index] == key:
                    side_vector_one = Add_Vector(vector, [-set[0], -set[1]])
                    side_vector_two = Add_Vector(surround_vector, set)
                    if 0 <= side_vector_one[0] <= 2 and 0 <= side_vector_one[1] <= 2:
                        index1 = Vector_To_Integer([side_vector_one])[0]
                        if Check_Valid_Position(positions, index1):
                            surrounding_vectors = Add_To_Weighting_List(surrounding_vectors, index1, weighting + 1)
                            defence = True
                    if 0 <= side_vector_two[0] <= 2 and 0 <= side_vector_two[1] <= 2:
                        index2 = Vector_To_Integer([side_vector_two])[0]
                        if Check_Valid_Position(positions, index2):
                            surrounding_vectors = Add_To_Weighting_List(surrounding_vectors, index2, weighting + 1)
                            defence = True
    return [surrounding_vectors, defence]
def Take_Postions(positions, key) -> list:
    entity_positions = []
    for position in positions:
        if positions[position] == key:
    return entity_positions
def Add_To_Weighting_List(surrounding_vectors, index, weighting) -> dict:
    present = False
    for vectors in surrounding_vectors:
        if vectors == index:
            surrounding_vectors[index] += weighting
            present = True
    if not present:
        surrounding_vectors[index] = weighting
    return surrounding_vectors
def Add_Vector(Vector1, Vector2) -> list:
    return [Vector1[0] + Vector2[0], Vector1[1] + Vector2[1]]
def Integer_To_Vector(positions) -> list:
    vectors = {1: [0, 0], 2: [1, 0], 3: [2, 0], 4: [0, 1], 5: [1, 1], 6: [2, 1], 7: [0, 2], 8: [1, 2], 9: [2, 2]}
    final_vectors = []
    for place in positions:
    return final_vectors
def Vector_To_Integer(vectors) -> list:
    integers = {1: [0, 0], 2: [1, 0], 3: [2, 0], 4: [0, 1], 5: [1, 1], 6: [2, 1], 7: [0, 2], 8: [1, 2], 9: [2, 2]}
    keys = integers.keys()
    final_values = []
    for vector in vectors:
        for place in keys:
            if vector == integers[place]:
    return final_values
def Display_Board(positions):
    index = 1
    while index <= 6:
        print(positions[index] + " | " + positions[index + 1] + " | " + positions[index + 2])
        index += 3
    print(positions[7] + " | " + positions[8] + " | " + positions[9])
def Check_Valid_Position(positions, position) -> bool:
    for locations in positions:
        if locations == position:
            if positions[locations] == " ":
                return True
                return False
    return False
Custom Subtitle
Academic Programme
Bachelor of Advanced Mathematics (Honours) and Computer Science
Uni Grad
Educational Institution
Political Views
Favourite Music, King GNU, Anonymouz, Yoasobi, Mosawo, Polyphia
Future Plans
Full-time work
Industry Interests
Accounting/Banking/Finance, Automotive, Engineering, IT, Science/Biotechnology



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