# no more pascal triangle
# wanna play knots and crosses instead :!
# hard mode
# 1 | 2 | 3
# ---|---|---
# 4 | 5 | 6
# ---|---|---
# 7 | 8 | 9
# (0,0) | (1,0) | (2,0)
# -------|-------|-------
# (0,1) | (1,1) | (2,1)
# -------|-------|-------
# (0,2) | (1,2) | (2,2)
import random
def Start():
print("this is the key")
print("1 | 2 | 3\n--|---|--\n4 | 5 | 6\n--|---|--\n7 | 8 | 9\n\n")
valid_input = False
while not valid_input:
key = input("Type \'x\' or \'o\': ")
if key == "x" or key == "X":
player_key = "X"
computer_key = "O"
valid_input = True
elif key == "o" or key == "O":
player_key = "O"
computer_key = "X"
valid_input = True
print("you are now playing as \'" + key + "\'")
final_status = Main_Game(player_key, computer_key)
if final_status == "player":
print("You won, good job")
elif final_status == "computer":
print("The computer won, better luck next time")
elif final_status == "tie":
print("You both tied, not good enough")
print("Ran out of turns, bad luck")
def Main_Game(player_key, computer_key) -> str:
positions = {1: " ", 2: " ", 3: " ", 4: " ", 5: " ", 6: " ", 7: " ", 8: " ", 9: " "}
game_status = ""
turns = 0
while turns < 9:
positions = Computer_Turn(positions, player_key, computer_key)
turns += 1
game_status = Check_For_Winner(positions, player_key, computer_key)
if game_status != "":
return game_status
if turns < 8:
position_valid = False
while not position_valid:
position = int(input("Enter the position: "))
position_valid = Check_Valid_Position(positions, position)
positions[position] = player_key
turns += 1
game_status = Check_For_Winner(positions, player_key, computer_key)
if game_status != "":
return game_status
return ""
def Check_For_Winner(positions, player_key, computer_key) -> str:
player_win = False
computer_win = False
vector_set = [[0, -1], [1, 0], [0, 1], [-1, 0], [1, -1], [1, 1], [-1, 1], [-1, -1]]
player_positions = Take_Postions(positions, player_key)
computer_positions = Take_Postions(positions, computer_key)
player_vectors = Integer_To_Vector(player_positions)
computer_vectors = Integer_To_Vector(computer_positions)
for player_vector in player_vectors:
for vector in vector_set:
new_pos = Add_Vector(player_vector, vector)
if new_pos in player_vectors:
second_pos = Add_Vector(new_pos, vector)
if second_pos in player_vectors:
player_win = True
for computer_vector in computer_vectors:
for vector in vector_set:
new_pos = Add_Vector(computer_vector, vector)
if new_pos in computer_vectors:
second_pos = Add_Vector(new_pos, vector)
if second_pos in computer_vectors:
computer_win = True
if player_win and not computer_win:
return "player"
elif not player_win and computer_win:
return "computer"
elif player_win and computer_win:
return "tie"
return ""
def Computer_Turn(positions, player_key, computer_key) -> dict:
print("Computer turn...\n")
player_positons = Take_Postions(positions, player_key)
if len(player_positons) < 1:
i = 0
while not Check_Valid_Position(positions, i):
i = random.randint(1, 9)
if Check_Valid_Position(positions, i):
positions[i] = computer_key
computer_positions = Take_Postions(positions, computer_key)
computer_data = Take_Weightings(Integer_To_Vector(computer_positions), computer_key, positions)
computer_weightings = computer_data[0]
computer_win = computer_data[1]
if computer_win:
surrounding_vectors = computer_weightings
vector_positions = Integer_To_Vector(player_positons)
weighting_data = Take_Weightings(vector_positions, player_key, positions)
surrounding_vectors = weighting_data[0]
position_keys = list(surrounding_vectors.keys())
if len(position_keys) > 0:
highest_key = position_keys[0]
for key in position_keys:
if surrounding_vectors[key] > surrounding_vectors[highest_key]:
highest_key = key
positions[highest_key] = computer_key
return positions
def Take_Weightings(vector_positions, key, positions) -> list:
vector_set = [[0, -1], [1, 0], [0, 1], [-1, 0], [1, -1], [1, 1], [-1, 1], [-1, -1]]
defence = False
surrounding_vectors = {}
for vector in vector_positions:
for set in vector_set:
weighting = 1
surround_vector = Add_Vector(vector, set)
if 0 <= surround_vector[0] <= 2 and 0 <= surround_vector[1] <= 2:
index = Vector_To_Integer([surround_vector])[0]
if Check_Valid_Position(positions, index):
secondary_vector = Add_Vector(set, surround_vector)
if 0 <= secondary_vector[0] <= 2 and 0 <= secondary_vector[1] <= 2:
pos_index = Vector_To_Integer([secondary_vector])[0]
if not Check_Valid_Position(positions, pos_index):
if positions[pos_index] == key:
defence = True
surrounding_vectors = Add_To_Weighting_List(surrounding_vectors, index, weighting)
elif positions[index] == key:
side_vector_one = Add_Vector(vector, [-set[0], -set[1]])
side_vector_two = Add_Vector(surround_vector, set)
if 0 <= side_vector_one[0] <= 2 and 0 <= side_vector_one[1] <= 2:
index1 = Vector_To_Integer([side_vector_one])[0]
if Check_Valid_Position(positions, index1):
surrounding_vectors = Add_To_Weighting_List(surrounding_vectors, index1, weighting + 1)
defence = True
if 0 <= side_vector_two[0] <= 2 and 0 <= side_vector_two[1] <= 2:
index2 = Vector_To_Integer([side_vector_two])[0]
if Check_Valid_Position(positions, index2):
surrounding_vectors = Add_To_Weighting_List(surrounding_vectors, index2, weighting + 1)
defence = True
return [surrounding_vectors, defence]
def Take_Postions(positions, key) -> list:
entity_positions = []
for position in positions:
if positions[position] == key:
return entity_positions
def Add_To_Weighting_List(surrounding_vectors, index, weighting) -> dict:
present = False
for vectors in surrounding_vectors:
if vectors == index:
surrounding_vectors[index] += weighting
present = True
if not present:
surrounding_vectors[index] = weighting
return surrounding_vectors
def Add_Vector(Vector1, Vector2) -> list:
return [Vector1[0] + Vector2[0], Vector1[1] + Vector2[1]]
def Integer_To_Vector(positions) -> list:
vectors = {1: [0, 0], 2: [1, 0], 3: [2, 0], 4: [0, 1], 5: [1, 1], 6: [2, 1], 7: [0, 2], 8: [1, 2], 9: [2, 2]}
final_vectors = []
for place in positions:
return final_vectors
def Vector_To_Integer(vectors) -> list:
integers = {1: [0, 0], 2: [1, 0], 3: [2, 0], 4: [0, 1], 5: [1, 1], 6: [2, 1], 7: [0, 2], 8: [1, 2], 9: [2, 2]}
keys = integers.keys()
final_values = []
for vector in vectors:
for place in keys:
if vector == integers[place]:
return final_values
def Display_Board(positions):
index = 1
while index <= 6:
print(positions[index] + " | " + positions[index + 1] + " | " + positions[index + 2])
index += 3
print(positions[7] + " | " + positions[8] + " | " + positions[9])
def Check_Valid_Position(positions, position) -> bool:
for locations in positions:
if locations == position:
if positions[locations] == " ":
return True
return False
return False