Recent content by Llamaland

  1. L

    Commonwealth Education costs scholarship

    I got my check in the mail today! I hope everyone gets theirs soon.
  2. L

    Commonwealth Education costs scholarship

    Thanks for reply, good to know someone is in the same boat as I am.
  3. L

    Commonwealth Education costs scholarship

    Is anyone else getting this scholarship? I got an email with the form that I have to fill out and return by 31st of January but on one of them you have to tick off that you have recieved payment by the 31st of December. Did anyone recieve the $2207 by the 31st of December?
  4. L

    Tanning: yes or no

    No. My Mum has had so many moles removed because she used to sunbake and now she has scars all over her. At one point she had a serius result which was really scary. What's even scarier is someone who was married to a work collegue died of melanoma which spread. It's not worth it.
  5. L

    The Woolworths Thread

    Hey I don't know if anyone can answer this but I used to work at Woolies until about April this year. Will my group certificate be mailed to me or will I be expected to return to my store to collect it? I was really hoping to do my tax soon as I need to buy my uni textbooks with the money I...
  6. L

    Mid Semester entry-Arts help

    Nevermind I have found something that explains everything a lot better than what I was first looking at:)
  7. L

    Mid Semester entry-Arts help

    So could I chose 4 subjects from table A? That way I have more choice in majors if I don't end up liking Archaeology.
  8. L

    Mid Semester entry-Arts help

    Maybe a better question is how many units can I choose from table A? How many from table B?
  9. L

    Mid Semester entry-Arts help

    I was just accepted for Mid Semester entry to USyd to do a BArts. I am seriously considering majoring in Archaeology. I have swapped from doing a forensic science degree at UWS and I am finding the whole arts thing very confusing. So if I chose to do a major in Archaeology I would be starting...
  10. L

    B science ( nutrition and food ) anyone ??

    Yeh I am doing B Science (Forensics) at Hawkesbury. I wish they offered it anywhere but there esp since I live like 10 mins from the UWS campus at Ctown.
  11. L

    Missed Academic Advising Session

    The one I went to was pretty much all stuff I already knew from reading info on their site. The only thing I needed to clarify was if they recommended certain subjects for me to choose as an elective. I am pretty sure I could've gotten away with sending an email to my course head though.
  12. L

    Spring tutorial registration HEEEEELP

    Oh wait god I am stupid sometimes because I have deferred it has the same subjects I would've started last year minus the elective. If only I scrolled down instead of being a total moron.
  13. L

    Spring tutorial registration HEEEEELP

    Is that in the platform web or MySR?
  14. L

    Spring tutorial registration HEEEEELP

    What does everyone else's subjects say in the status? Is anyone else missing a subject. I am a bit pissed one of mine isn't there. I better get the time I want for it or I am gonna get pissy.