Recent content by lorag03

  1. L


    i'm stressing too half yearly soon and our bio teacher never turns up to class and gives us stupid confusing work grrrr :mad:
  2. L

    Are Surfing books good for sciences?

    what about for senior science?
  3. L

    Future Plans (UAI/Uni/Tafe/Job)

    I'm thinking 75 (fingers crossed!) and B of Nursing :D
  4. L

    5 Things You Like (And Dislike) About Your School!

    All my likes are the same and basically dislikes too. I mean the whole sport thing is like what our school all about it gets a bit annoying!
  5. L

    Welcome & Roll Call - Class of 2010

    I'm late but oh well i always am :) lol my subjects are : english advanced general maths biology senior science PE