Recent content by lovetvxq

  1. L

    USYD Scholarships II

    hey, i wanna ask, i got ATAR 95.65, but i didn't apply for the USYD entry scholarship before end Sep, can i still apply now?
  2. L

    HEY, guess who i am...

    HEY, guess who i am...
  3. L

    Share your 2009 HSC results here

    ESL 84 B5 MATHS EXT 1 97 E4 MATHS EXT 2 95 E4 CHN BACKGROUND SPEAKERS 87 B5 JAP BEGINNERS 94 B6 much better than what i expected :devil:
  4. L

    do the asians hard to adjust to the life in MQ?

    By the way, there are so many chinese at MQ, so u really don't need to worry about it
  5. L

    do the asians hard to adjust to the life in MQ?

    I'm a Chinese,too. And i found it hard to integrate into the local students' group because of the cultural differences, or whatever. but there are aslo some chinese can make many oz friends. So i think what u can do is like going to church every weekend or find a partime job, and try to hang out...