Recent content by luckylollies

  1. L

    hows usyd

    Hey, I'm a first year com/law student at usyd... Have a look at my post to the other law thread, it pretty much answers all your q's! :)
  2. L

    To all the people who have made it into law

    As for social misconceptions, I think you mean the whole usyd students are really snobby and study all day? We're really not! Seriously, we have exams in four days and we all went out last night. Law is very social! Unlike other faculties, everyone has really bonded. As for the people, they are...
  3. L

    How to transfer from Commerce to Commerce/Law

    Just a hint, It is much harder to transfer into Law at USYD than it is as UNSW. At UNSW, if your ATAR is above 97, you need a credit average in first year, and then you are SECURED a place into law. However, at USYD, you are not secured a place and you have to get a solid distinction to transfer.
  4. L

    Accounting Perdisco

    Hey Chewy, is it possible if you please post up your transaction questions for the weeks. TIA :)
  5. L

    What to bring to lectures

    By lecture notes, do you mean the prescribes texts, or are we meant to print something else off? Thanks
  6. L

    ECMT1010 vs ECOF1010 Business and Economics Statistics A (advanced)

    I'm confused now... So since I'm doing ECOF1010 instead of ECMT1010 does this mean I'm limited to the majors I can choose? I wanted to do finance... will I not be able to do it now?
  7. L

    ECMT1010 vs ECOF1010 Business and Economics Statistics A (advanced)

    You may as well go for it! :) If you don't like it, you always have a few weeks to change to ECMT1010 and I doubt you'll be behind.
  8. L


    Do the Kopy Stop and the Copy Centre sell copies of actual textbooks for cheap? Or just random bits and pieces needed for lectures? TIA :)
  9. L

    Being late to lectures??

    How long would it take to travel from the Civil Engineering Building to the New Law School? Would I make it in time with a fast walk?
  10. L

    Hey, Sorry but I sold them a while ago :(

    Hey, Sorry but I sold them a while ago :(
  11. L

    Cost of Orthodontic Braces

    I apparently need braces because of my overbite - which no-one said was an issue before? My dentist says $9K with the top being clear (although thats only like $650 more) I need them for 6 months. As for payment plan.... pay like $3K upfront then monthly payments. It sounds so much more...
  12. L

    Sydney University Law 2010 Roll Call

    Yeh true! Goodluck to your friend! Fingers crossed he/she makes it :)
  13. L

    Sydney University Law 2010 Roll Call

    Just a question... I heard Usyd Law doesn't give 2nd/3rd round offers... is this true? TIA :)
  14. L

    Sydney bus

    Thanks for the heads up! I'll be sure to add that to my to do list :p
  15. L

    Sydney bus

    Hey, Just a question... On open day, there was a bus running straight to/from the Main Quad to Central Station. Was this just a special occassion bus or does it run everyday? I know there's one from Redfern and buses from Central but just curious Thanks in advance :)