Thanks for the suggestions guys, will definitely have a look. :) I've been to a few of the mentioned stores, and all I remember is generally crazy expensive prices. Dx
I do occasionally shop online, but I don't really like to. I prefer to see the item irl first. Because I usually have something...
As a short (148cm) and thin (38kg) woman, I have a lot of trouble finding clothes / bras which fit. I can spend a whole day out shopping and come back empty-handed because I found nothing in my size, or if I did, the range was so limited that I didn't like what was available.
I am looking for...
Depends on your degree tbh as some subjects are more difficult and require more time. I do a science degree, mainly biology and IT units. It is not difficult for me to get D/HD in terms of content. The only thing restricting me is that I'm lazy af and never stick to my study schedules lol. It's...
I can't really provide much comment from a personal standpoint about CS at USYD - because I started out doing CS, changed my major a few times etc.. I've only done "soft" units besides intro to programming, i.e. databases, system analysis and design, HCI.. I haven't done algorithms or OO...
I mean, I only mentioned it because OP said they are afraid the uni they pick will have a higher workload and be more difficult than their current uni..
If you transfer, don't go to USYD.. COMP2129 is a core unit and has a relatively high fail rate (I think it's around 30-40%?). And everyone I know that's doing that unit spends like 60-70% of their time studying that subject. There's a bunch of assessments that can take hours to do but are only...
The CUSP says only INFO1103 is required (intro to java/programming).
I'm wondering from anyone who has done this unit, is that sufficient? Do you need data structures (INFO1105)? Because I understand the assignment involves building some sort of system (web application, I assume). I will be...
Anyone know about the official training at maccas? I think I read you are paired with a trainer for your first 3 shifts, is this accurate? I only had a trainer with my on my first shift and I only learnt a few basic things, now I'm on my own and they expect me to do a bunch of stuff I haven't...
I have my first shift coming up (and it's also my first ever job..), just wondering what to expect on the first day? I read that you just watch training videos or something?
Also just to make sure, you get changed into your uniform at work, right? Don't go there in uniform?
edit: also curious...
I read another thread stating USYD science faculty doesn't offer concessional passes, is this true?
If so, does anyone have any advice for me - it looks like I'm going to fail the same junior math unit I failed last year. It's possible I may pass but just barely. The problem is I have a very...
ok thanks everyone. Actually I was considering tutoring HSC biology (finished HSC in 2014) but wanted to be prepared first and have some good resources besides my own notes and other online resources.
Just wondering which textbooks are used for prelim and HSC bio / most popular ones that are up to date. Is Heinemann Biology: Preliminary & HSC 2nd edition still good to use and up to date?