Recent content by narima

  1. N

    Regret subject choice?

    -I do SOR2, biology, geography, 2U maths, adv.Eng and Society and Culture. -Wish i had done pdhpe instead of society though. -Anyone want to convince me other wise pleaseeeeeee?!!:confused:
  2. N

    Help for Prelim and HSC Histroy Students

    heyy, sorry this doesnt have to do with the tutoring, but i can see you did society and culture. im currently doing that for prelim and im in term 2 (1 week from finishing this term). and im questioning whether i should change to pdhpe or back to chemistry which i came from. i dont see the...
  3. N

    Is chemisty freaking awesome?

    what did you change to? cause i changed to society and culture, haha its bullshit but there was nothing else good on that line, im thinking of changing again cause i dont wanna have 10 units for HSC year :S
  4. N

    Who is afraid they won't get their subjects?

    have backup subjects, and have a careful look at what prerequisites you need if you have a particular course you want to get into. if you dont know what to do after HS choose a broad range of subjects. but make sure you dont regret your subjects. does anybody know what the latest time i could...
  5. N

    Applications of calculus to the physical World Q

    right so im new to BOS, whats trolling lol and how do i post a question? :S thanks
  6. N

    choosing subjects is confusing as hell! should i change society and culture for Pdhpe this late...

    choosing subjects is confusing as hell! should i change society and culture for Pdhpe this late in prelim?:bomb: