HEY! :)
i just completed this paper, and boy, it was hard .. I couldn't complete part e) of section 1
I just wanted to know how to manage time effectively and comparatively, how well people went in this section? And if possible, just an example on how to begin that question!
Thank you...
Just completed a past paper on paper 2, and dropped my pens when it said 'refer to two related texts' for Module C (History and Memory), does anyone know any easy to learn related text for this section!?
danka :wavey:
So I just looked at hsc countdown, and we have 16 days and 8 hours left till Paper 1. Then repetitive exams.
My HSC timetable is utter bs, with a double up and consecutive exams, my trial marks have disappointed me so much, and i'm extremely underprepared. I'm aiming for 90+
I'm going to...
just need false satisfaction as motivation atm tbh.
most of these 'strangers' are people we compete against, so they're loaded with knowledge and experiences, therefore yes, its a pretty solid policy! :rolleyes: