hahah *raises hand*
also agree with the + - and therefore signs, also i will never look at the alphabet same...some including x, y, m, d without thinking of some form of maths
Going to sound weird...
but i watch a mega sad movie e.g. moulin rouge, titanic, shawshank redemption etc.
cry my eyes out
and either a. go to sleep because i feel tired for crying and wake up all better
or b. once finished crying eyes out i feel considerably better and do what i will
it matters....i don't want a guy with a 2 inch penis but then again i wouldn't want a huge guy where i would end up walking funny afterwards....
generally average is the way to go for me :)
Now this really frustrates me....
I dislike it when I have a guy friend and then the guy starts to like me and this generally ALWAYS happens and it's so effing annoying i mean i get along more with guys but why do they have to be big poo heads and decide to start liking??? And then I have to...
that is so unfair because a guy can have a friend with benefits but it's not really applying to girls :\\\\\ can't we be the one to decide that we want the benefits and not the relationship
Not sure if this question has been asked but what is the standard for Mathematics Advanced e.g around 80% plus is all assessments...
just a rough idea if you please :)
Okay so i really want to drop Pdhpe...but i was wondering to anyone that did it...is the hsc course any better? or is it pretty much around the same area???
Re: Maths Yearly
I can totally relate, i did mine last friday but i know i went heaps horrible in it, i made the most silliest mistakes ever...and i know i'm going to get a really dissapointing mark...
If you have done them, thats great and you shouldn't worry too much if you are feeling confident...but if not
just back through past exercises and re-do them maybe the last column, you'd be surprised when you go into an exam and be like "oh shoot, i did that ages ago.." type of questions like...