Recent content by novelle

  1. novelle

    Victorian bushfires

    the whole thing is horrible. its actually horrible. its sad to think that so many innocent people are dead. at least everyones helping out by donating money and stuff.
  2. novelle

    Why do Aussies give Aboriginal Aussies a hard time?

    fuck you and your mother. you people disgust me. aboriginal people are people too, just like you, and saying SHIT like that isnt necessary or called for. go fuck off and learn some respect for people who are different than yourself. YOURE the fucking scum for saying shit like that. FUCK...
  3. novelle

    Album of the Decade?

    for mee, on a personal level im gonna have to say cute is what we aim for- rotation or the same old blood rush with a new touch. those albums are soo good. or anything by goodcharlotte, say anything, saves the day, jack mannequin, mcfly!! and a fine frenzyy. ...i loved radio:ACTIVE by mcfly...
  4. novelle

    who Actually likes english?

    cant say im exactly fond of it.. but thats only coz i suck lol
  5. novelle

    Roll call 2009

    this has got to be one of my fav subjects of all. love it to bits. yeah we've finished our IRPs too. i did mine on the effect adoption has on the individual and the family involved. or something like that anyway lol not sure what option we're doing though..
  6. novelle

    pe notes core one re. syllabus

    thanks sooo much babbeee adding these too my notes now heaps of help :)