Recent content by phieno

  1. phieno

    the world owes the girl who sang fight song an apology for leaving her as a one hit wonder back...

    the world owes the girl who sang fight song an apology for leaving her as a one hit wonder back in 2015 My GOAT Rachel Platten If you are wondering yes I am incredibly out of it right now
  2. phieno

    2026 HSC CHAT

    i'm hungry
  3. phieno

    sorry i'm late to the party Song of Songs 8:7 If you can't separate a person from their...

    sorry i'm late to the party Song of Songs 8:7 If you can't separate a person from their government, that's on you. Not on me. I love Noa because of her voice, her songs and her artistry. Not everyone is sad and miserable and obsessed with politics 24/7. here's an opinion: Слава Україні. 🇺🇦 <3...
  4. phieno


  5. phieno

    2026 HSC CHAT

    it's gonna be phenomen-phenomen-phenomenal
  6. phieno

    Should I Take English Extension 1?

    Would this be slightly redeemed by the fact that I'm only taking six unique subjects? Provisional List of Subjects I'm Taking English Ex. 1 Maths Ex. 1 Japanese Continuers (Accelerated) German Beginners Legal Studies Chemistry I don't really count German Beginners as a subject I really need...
  7. phieno

    she's the gen z israeli equivalent of britney spears in the 00's

    she's the gen z israeli equivalent of britney spears in the 00's
  8. phieno

    Should I Take English Extension 1?

    I'm in Year 10, and the time has come for me to choose my electives. I like English; I think that it's an interesting subject, I like writing and I might want to become a solicitor in the future. I'm not the best at English, but I'm pretty above average in my school. I want to take English...
  9. phieno

    my biggest dream is to meet noa kirel irl

    my biggest dream is to meet noa kirel irl
  10. phieno

    Acceptance into the NSW School of Languages

    Ok, so that's when I should get the email? Thanks for telling me!
  11. phieno

    currently playing Wii Party in german

    currently playing Wii Party in german
  12. phieno

    Acceptance into the NSW School of Languages

    Hi! I've just been wondering when the NSW School of Languages will officially notify me of my acceptance. Will they email me? Also, is it a good idea to take two languages at the same time? I'm not really certain I want to drop Japanese for German, but I also don't really want to drop drama...