the world owes the girl who sang fight song an apology for leaving her as a one hit wonder back in 2015
My GOAT Rachel Platten
If you are wondering yes I am incredibly out of it right now
sorry i'm late to the party Song of Songs 8:7
If you can't separate a person from their government, that's on you. Not on me. I love Noa because of her voice, her songs and her artistry. Not everyone is sad and miserable and obsessed with politics 24/7.
here's an opinion:
Слава Україні. 🇺🇦 <3...
Would this be slightly redeemed by the fact that I'm only taking six unique subjects?
Provisional List of Subjects I'm Taking
English Ex. 1
Maths Ex. 1
Japanese Continuers (Accelerated)
German Beginners
Legal Studies
I don't really count German Beginners as a subject I really need...
I'm in Year 10, and the time has come for me to choose my electives. I like English; I think that it's an interesting subject, I like writing and I might want to become a solicitor in the future. I'm not the best at English, but I'm pretty above average in my school. I want to take English...
I've just been wondering when the NSW School of Languages will officially notify me of my acceptance. Will they email me?
Also, is it a good idea to take two languages at the same time? I'm not really certain I want to drop Japanese for German, but I also don't really want to drop drama...