Recent content by psyclops

  1. P

    picking up girls- for the ladies

    if someone used this line humorously in conversation they would certainly get my attention, only because i think it is hilarious (as long as whoever is saying it actually understands what they are saying) anyway i probably shouldnt give out trade secrets but if you are just out to pick up, all...
  2. P

    The Reading Recommendations Thread

    The History of Sexuality vol I by Michel Foucault. Best book I have ever read. Ever.
  3. P

    Ghost Tour!!!????

    FailBook has a page called Quarantine Station Ghost Tours, prob a good place to start. I have been there plenty of times during the day but you would not get me there at night for quids!
  4. P

    favourite give names?

    haha yeah fully, that would be heaps cool! :) current faves are Isobel, Clarice, Aurelia, Gabriel, Harry, Maximilien, Beatrice/Beatrix, Lillian, Evangeline, Etienne, Alfie, Tybalt
  5. P

    Any guys here into the 'game'? Sarging etc

    if you want to get laid there are many fine establishments with a wide selection of ladies from you to choose from. if you want to find a partner to love and respect find the courage to put yourself out there and keep trying no matter how many times you are disappointed. if you want to feel...
  6. P


    1. are you in love with her? if no go to 2. if yes go to 3. 2. meet her face to face (without your mate) and tell her that you find her attractive, you enjoy flirting with her, and you like her as a person but you are not going to date her and you are double not going to sleep with her. she...
  7. P

    differences between sociology & anthropology?

    Anthropology was traditionally the study of indigenous peoples (back in the day when they were called 'natives/savages'), their culture and society. Particular focus was on systems of kinship. So old-skool anthropologists studied indigenous peoples of papua new guinea, trobriand islands, african...
  8. P

    HSTY1034 or HSTY1044?

    Who are the lecturers? Any reason why you're not doing HSTY1089? Richard Waterhouse brilliant.