lol In year 12 I had 4 units of frees, man o man talk about sweeet ride, some days I only had 2 lessons.
Ofcourse I did work during the free's but some does it was really hard lol
Hey Broly, I did the exact same thing as you lol, my one unit subject was compuslory Studies of Religion Bleehh
It really isnt that difficult to do 3 sciences, just continue the work throughout the years and you should be fine. In Yr 12 I picked up 4 unit maths, and decided to Drop Biology as...
Anyway, I am also a N00b doing B Science (Honours) 1st year and staying at Fenner hall. And I might add, I didnt realise it wasnt on campus when I put it in my preferences lol
I think any music star from neighbours isnt too incredible, and by isnt too incredible I mean after listening to the music for 2 min on the bus trip home I feel like shooting myself so I dont have to hear it anymore *reminds self about stick death lol*
Soo much auto tune, so little talent and...
Yeah, for a lot of you by the sound of it you need to go into centrelink and talk to the people, you cant get your money if you dont get the forms for one. And there is always the chance you may get someone that doenst know what they are talking about but you can always go back later lol
lolol Yeah I felt exactly the same, though I did realise I got an E4, it was more being dumbfounded that I actually did
looks at trial paper........44% eh...wooo hooo
but I guess none of it matters now eh
oh god....cant believe this time next month I will either be in Canberra or getting...
Man I am so impressed by everyone, shame about the closeness Haque lol
Nice UAI though, I hope you aint too dissapointed lol
Well I guess everyone is off to Uni now
Nice work all
Good Luck
Heeyy Everybody
I was just wondering what all you regulars got
I was very happy when I saw my mark.
Managed to scale a 90
by me. WOOOOOO
So stoked
lol I wonder how many of you got 98+
well good luck all
WOOOOO Out early, how pro
I got 95.95
96 would have been sweet...........but still I aint complaining now
I got
Eng Advanced: 75
Physics: 91
Mathematics Extension 1: 93
Mathematics Extension 2: 90
Studies of Religion(1 unit): 44
Chemistry 87 (2005 mark)
And to that.......English you can die in hell....DIE. Prob should have done standard
is the brand new bag...
You can click the link, and you should get it emailed to you. That is if you have given them your email.
It worked for me, and I clicked it accidently lol
Exam, seemed about as fair is it could.
The only reason I did not like it was that I put heaps of effort into revising all the pracs incase they gave us some dodge questions and all we had was that damn Discharge tube one which is just common sense.
That and the 6 markers can lose marks reaally...