Recent content by rhys100

  1. R

    Dear HSC - A Letter to BOS

    well ill take that as a no then
  2. R

    Dear HSC - A Letter to BOS

    ok, well if you come up with a better one , ill post it and allow my 200 readers a day judge it for themselves.. but you really should be studying for your exams.. so maybe do it after the hsc ;)
  3. R

    Dear HSC - A Letter to BOS

    yep he is a bit of a weird kid lol. Howd everyone go in english today?
  4. R

    Dear HSC - A Letter to BOS

    My friend posted this bulleton about the hsc... i thought id share it with you: It starts off like this: Dear HSC, You are probably wondering why I’m not stressed about the upcoming string of exams that are supposed to test my abilities in those subjects, which are then used to calculate...
  5. R

    eco or business??

    agreed ;)
  6. R

    An impossible year 10 question???

    Well my sister brought this home and gave it to me.. even my year 12 bio friends said it was to hard.. Can anyone else give it a shot? Meiosis is called a reduction division because of what happens to chromeosome numbers. Explain, using spermatozoa or ova as examples
  7. R

    Last minute preparing for english? then read this!

    was that a cssa paper? what paper has the feature article in it?
  8. R

    Last minute preparing for english? then read this!

    chat back up boys and girls :) we have over 12-15 people chatting away about study... :)
  9. R

    Last minute preparing for english? then read this!

    for section 3 of paper 1, the questions states "refer to your prescribed text, ONE text from the prescribed stimulus booklet, Journeys, and at least ONE other related text of your own choosing." my teacher wants us to use 2 realted though......
  10. R

    English Paper 2 - Last minute help.

    Update: Chat room closed untill further notice.
  11. R

    Trials: When are they? Are you ready? How were they? (merged)

    Everyone who wants help with english or to discuss responses come on msn into a chat room, add me on msn and I'll invite you into the LARGE room of unprepared people for monday :)
  12. R

    Last minute preparing for english? then read this!

    Everyone who wants help with english or to discuss responses come on msn into a chat room, add me on msn and I'll invite you into the LARGE room of unprepared people for monday :)
  13. R

    eco or business??

    defo economics. Economics will teach you to "think" in the real world and will actually help you in everything you do.
  14. R

    Latest Government Policy On Microeconomic Reforms

    tried searching him but didnt find any :(
  15. R

    Latest Government Policy On Microeconomic Reforms

    If anyone could reply to my following question in the next 3 hours it would be great! Can anyone give me some information/help on an essay about the effectiveness of the australian governments policy mix regarding the use of its latest microeconomic reforms. Also if you have any info/comments...