
Leave me a msg & intor urself coz i realy cbb =P

yes i have many thank you for asking XD
Academic Programme
Adv. Maths, Adv. Eng, Visual Arts, Ancient History & Senior Science
Educational Institution
Girraween High School
Political Views
Favourite Music
everything and anything that i can sing and understand & of course dance to! but not really into heavy metal or country-country music
Favourite TV Shows
OC, Prisonbreak, LasVegas, GreysAnatomy, Lost, NorthShore, House, DesperateHousewives, Smallville, Supernatural, VeronicaMars, TFC, MadTV, GOSH alot more! >.<
Favourite Movies
she's the man, cinderella story, just like heaven, a walk to remember, forevermore, got to believe, flames, jologs, mr. dreamboy, first romance, 10 things i hate about you, clueless... ehehehe so much more COMPLETE movie buff man!!! i got a dvd collection to DIE FOR!!!
Favourite Books
a walk to remember, hehehe harry potter =D, romeo&juliet, taming of the shrew, to kill a mocking bird << YUH i noe those last 3 we did in school! i noe - i actually liked something we learnt at skool - GET OUT! LOL - currently dying to read <i>the devil you know</i> by louise bagshawe...
Favourite Quote
"how is she gonna fall for you if you're not there to catch her?" - Alex, OC (hehehe...first thing that popped into my head)
Future Plans
Industry Interests
Advertising/Media/PR/Publishing, Architecture/Interior Design, Arts/Entertainment/Sport & Rec, Fashion/Beauty, Graphic Design/Multimedia, Hospitality/Tourism/Travel, Manufacturing/Industrial/QA, Retail/Sales/Consumer Prods.

