Recent content by rosgos123

  1. R

    Fuck Rudd is a dickhead

    I am still amazed that this censorship crap made it off the ground, certainly not in the intrest of the public, except maybe angry mothers and femenists
  2. R

    Fuck Rudd is a dickhead

    i dont like quoting myself
  3. R

    Fuck Rudd is a dickhead :]
  4. R

    Fuck Rudd is a dickhead

    the only person i knew personally was my mother and a few of her colleagues that were worse off under workchoice sceme your scrutinizing my anecdotal evidence by saying "i dont know anyone who was worse off under workchoices" certainly not ironic
  5. R

    Fuck Rudd is a dickhead

    Im not sure, she quit and now owns a florist
  6. R

    Fuck Rudd is a dickhead

    congrats to your mum, but mine was working in a slightly different industry, it was private she was forced onto an AWA and the "guidlines" of what she id changed slightly
  7. R

    Fuck Rudd is a dickhead

    not saying rudd is great, that thousand bucks got us a new fridge :D but still there are always going to be problems and there will never be one thing that will benefit everyone
  8. R

    Fuck Rudd is a dickhead

    also, i never said everyone
  9. R

    Fuck Rudd is a dickhead

    lots of people lost jobs and were rehired at much lower rates, i know my family was affected, my mums a nurse in a private nursing home, she lost like 20k a year from that.
  10. R

    Fuck Rudd is a dickhead

    lol You really think that they are doing that bad a job? Think back to like 5 years ago, liberals didnt do too well, there were reasons that Howard lost his seat entirely, Abbot was standing behind him saying how great everything was as people were being fucked over. "electrocute...
  11. R

    Creative Writing, need a plot?

    Just wondering, as half yearlies are quickly approaching, would it be appropriate to have a creative writing piece whos timesframe only lasts a few seconds and has no plot? Thanks