yeh thnx...its a pretty confusing question id say...the way i was seeing it was how Nazism and the cultural revival influenced Leni Riefenstahl and how well known she became through this
'Events shape people more than people shape events' How accurate is this statement in relation to Leni Leni Riefenstahl
Umm wouldnt mind some pointers to go on about for this essay question (1200 to 1500 words i gotta do)
to anomi1y
i would disagree that God's a bastard. God created us so we cud hav an relationship with him (ill find some bible verses if u lik) but because we screwed up,because our sin...we cud no longer be with him....
so God sent himself the form of a man...and got himself killed as a ransom...
OKgerhard thats a hard question.
my belief is that jus because someone knows whats going to to happen doesnt mean he takes free will away from u..
example: if i went to the future and saw u buy a car...
wud that mean u had no free choice to buy that car
of course u did..i jus knoe wat choice u...